Encyclopaedia Fennica


Nummijärvi village, Kauhajoki, South Ostrobothnia

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In the middle of the Ruuhineva bog, by the village of Nummijärvi, in Kauhajoki in South Ostrobothnia, there is a village named Kammi-kylä entirely built by one man, Erkki Kalliomäki, and consisting from a few buildings and saunas.

Erkki, a carpenter by trade, has indeed been building almost everything mostly by himself for over 15 years. At the very beginning a youth camp helped with earthworks, and his son and daughter lend a hand occasionally. By now Erkki is 81.

Kauhajoki is a mostly rural backcountry area, but Nummijärvi village is famous for Nummirock music festival, and visitors to Kammi-kylä come at the very least from the festival. The houses are normally open for everyone, you are allowed to take a look.

Erkki occasionally lends out this place for events, but mostly builds it simply as a hobby, a sort of a Finnish countryside Gaudí. Picture from Yle article (2018):

Driving address: Jokelantie 30, Nummijärvi

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